Saturday, September 04, 2010

FujiFilm S5200 Camera with 2GB XD Card

Wharf 4A few years ago I bought a FujiFilm FinePix S5200 camera. At the time I bought a 256mb XD card, which has been fine ever since. But I decided recently it was time for a storage upgrade. I looked at the manual that came with the camera and the largest card it said the camera supported was 512mb. So I checked the FujiFIlm website to see if they had any updated information and found their compatibility chart, which indicated that the S5200 was compatible with cards up to 2GB.

I bought a couple of cards and when I inserted one in the camera and turned it on the display indicated a "card error." I tried turning the camera on and formatting the card, but the card wouldn't format. It tried, but then showed the "card error" message again. I tried to email a question to FujiFilm about the compatibility issue but the form failed when I submitted it. So I was about to give up when I decided I'd try taking the batteries out of the camera. I did that. Then put in the new 2GB card and turned the camera on. That did it.

So, yes, the 2GB M+ card will work with the S5200 camera. No firmware update is needed, but you'll probably need to take the batteries out of the camera before you swap the card.

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